To the rest of the world he was Dave the paramedic, to me he was pappy because in this instance Grandad just simply wouldn't safice . I have always been proud he was a paramedic he saved people, he helped them, always without hesitation even on his way down to the caravan his kit bag would be taken out of the boot and off he would go to see if he could help. He taught me if your stuck in traffic your one of the lucky ones . This made him a hero the same hero that would make the 250 mile round trip to plymouth every other week regardless of what kind of shift he had just done so ed and I could see our family without fail and without complaint , giving us precious time we would never of had. And for this I cant thank him enough. He was the gentle giant I could rely on, always smiling and joking always had time to help others and nothing was ever too much trouble. Now I'm left with memories of car journeys of classical fM and the smell of cigars , trips to the caravan and perranporth beach and chants of "I can see the sea" I can assure you that tradition lives on here with my own children. The endless cups of strong tea . Squishy mud walks in wellies whilst you were trying to spot planes, your heavy binoculars round my neck with you laughing as I looked in completely the wrong direction that you were pointing in . Feeling on top of the world on your shoulders -the only form of height I wasnt terrified of . The annual badminton horse race and balloon fiestas and bbq s out the back of the transit van. Nothings forgotten and everything cherished and I can only hope you knew how so very loved you are and you will always be remembered as My Pappy the Paramedic - the best superhero the world could ever wish for. Goodnight , God bless xxxx