4 years ago
Jo Fowles
For Paramedic and absolute legend Dave Bush.
I did one of my first shifts with Dave. I think I’d been in the service for about a month. I didn’t know him and he didn’t know me. Our first job was a drunk bloke who wanted to fight us. He wasn’t any real danger as he was so drunk, he couldn’t stand up, let alone punch anyone. However, he was being a pain..refusing to co-operate, still trying to punch us, and generally rolling around the floor. After about 10 minutes of this bloke being an absolute plonker, Dave had had enough. He grabbed the blokes arms and pinned them to his side. This stopped the bloke swinging punches. He then said, “Now look mate, you’re messing with the wrong crew today. I’m trying to give up smoking, and my mates’ got PMT. If you carry on like this, you WILL come off worse. We’re not in the mood for it”. I burst out laughing and thought, “They didn’t teach me that in Ambulance College”. Bloke was as meek and mild as mouse after that.
I’ll miss you Dave. XXXXX
£10.00 (+ £2.50 Gift Aid)